Title sponsor, AgriBank, the St. Paul-based Farm Credit Bank, once again partnered with Everybody Wins DC to present the 2019 AgriBank Ag Open golf tournament on Monday, September 23 at Queenstown Harbor.
Through the support of AgriBank and the other 37 sponsors, the AgriBank Ag Open raised more than $90,000 for EWDC’s signature programs.
View photos from the event here.
Tournament Results:
AgOpen Katrichis Cup Winner:
Agricultural & Food Transporters Conference (AFTC)

River Course
Runner Up and 1st place winner on River Course: S-3 Group – Matt Bravo, Chris Bradish, Brent Perry and James Neil
2nd Place River Course: Tyson Foods Inc. – Matt Mika, Todd Menotti, Michael Baker and Brent Robertson
3rd Place River Course: Agribank – Vicki Hicks, Steve Fabry and Kam Quarles
Longest Drive Women, River Hole #11: International Dairy Foods Association – Corey Brown
Longest Drive Men, River Hole #10: Tyson Foods Inc. – Matt Mika
Closest to the Pin, River Hole #2: Duff & Phelps – Jeff Hart
Closest to the Pin, River Hole #4 (in 2 shots): Agricultural Retailers Association – Ty Mobry
Closest to the Pin, River Hole #8: Duff & Phelps – Bruce Dubinsky 8’10”
Closest to the Pin, River Hole #13: American Farm Bureau Federation – Andrew Walmsley 14’8″
Lakes Course
Runner Up and 1st place winner on Lakes Course: Agricultural & Food Transporters Conference (AFTC) – Jon Samson, Scott Sawacki and Jed Carr
2nd Place Lakes Course: Florida & Texas Sugar Growers – Hunter Moorhead, Carlisle Clarke, Josh Maxwell and Ryan Weston
3rd Place Lakes Course: National Turkey Federation – Chad Causey, Damon Wells, Josh Hankins and John Campbell
Longest Drive Women, Lakes Hole #13: Syngenta – Mary Kay Thatcher
Longest Drive Men, Lakes Hole #10: National Turkey Federation – John Campbell
Closest to the Pin, Lakes Hole #3: SNAC – Alex Bullock 10’8″
Closest to the Pin, Lakes Hole #6 (in 2 shots): Delta Strategy – Scott Parsons 5’6″
Closest to the Pin, Lakes Hole #8: Agricultural & Food Transporters Conference (AFTC) – Scott Sawicki 4’11”
Closest to the Pin, Lakes Hole #11: Agricultural & Food Transporters Conference (AFTC) – Scott Sawicki 10’2″
We would like to thank and acknowledge our generous sponsors. Please join us in expressing appreciation to all the people and organizations that made this event possible:
Title Sponsor: AgriBank
Beverage Cart Sponsors: Michael Torrey Associates, National Cotton Council, North American Millers Association and S-3 Group
Giveaway Sponsors: CoBank, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) and Syngenta
Hole-in-one Sponsor: CoBank
Lunch Sponsors: Farmer Mac, Kroger and U.S. Beet Sugar Association
Tournament Sponsors:
AgriBank, Agricultural & Food Transporters Conference, Agricultural Retailers Association, Altria Client Services LLC, American Association of Crop Insurers, American Farm Bureau Federation, ASTA (American Seed Trade Association), CME Group, CoBank, CropLife America, Delta Strategy Group, Ducks Unlimited, Duff & Phelps, Farmer Mac, FIA, Florida & Texas Sugar Growers, International Dairy Foods Association, Kroger, Michael Torrey Associates, Mondelēz International, National Corn Growers Association, National Cotton Council, National Council of Farmer Cooperatives , National Turkey Federation, North American Meat Institute, North American Millers Association, NRECA, Nutrien, Renewable Fuels Association, S-3 Group, SNAC, Syngenta, The Russell Group, Inc., Tyson Foods Inc., U.S. Beet Sugar Association, USA Rice Federation and Watkinson Miller PLLC