
StoryTime is a read-aloud program that brings together students and volunteers to connect over a book and guided discussion. StoryTime participants also receive a free book to take home to add to their personal libraries.

For younger students, volunteers read a book out loud to the group, which models positive literacy behavior and shows excitement for reading. In addition, selected books introduce age-appropriate themes to students, such as resilience and empathy.

For older students, guest readers can present books that reflect their own real-life experiences, such as their career journeys or overcoming adversity on their path to success. StoryTime is also a chance to use books to discuss important themes such as racial justice and social equality. These guided group reading experiences open students' minds to new ideas and opportunities while reinforcing core literacy skills.

Talia Ford (EWDC)
Terps at Marie Reed

"EWDC has fostered a positive environment around literacy. Our students have been exposed to topics they otherwise would not have been during StoryTimes."

Teacher, J.O. Wilson Elementary School
